Japanese for Everyone みんなのにほんご

Friday, February 03, 2006

9th Japanese Language Speech Contest

Please feel free to attend the 9th Japanese language speech contest on march 11th, held at the new Language center at the University of Jordan. This year marks the second time in a row that a Haiku (Short Japanese Poetry) section is included in addition to speech section.
for more details visit the web page of the Embassy of Japan in Jordan.

Poster design by none other than our own resident tea master and my dear friend "Ocha no ahmad" (Saqf).
The design is based on "Hanafuda 花札" which are traditional Japanese playing cards.

I have been part in one way or another of the speech contest since it first began and I am proud to say that every year everyone does a great Job and I hope this year we will have a very successfull contest.

Hope to see you all there.


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